REDEC 2020 is a specific scientific conference that helps in finding innovative and adequate solutions for energy saving and production in developing countries. During the first four editions, participants from across the globe have discussed the scientific issues that were presented and subsequently published in IEEE Xplore.
Due to the fruitful results, the organization of REDEC 2020 has added new topics on smart grids and DC micro-grids, giving more opportunity to a wide profile of participants to present their work in the domain of renewable energy and related research.
Papers written in either English or French are accepted. Submit the full paper using the two-column single-space IEEE template. Papers are limited to 6 full pages, including paper title, authors and affiliations, figures and references. For more information, please refer to the guidelines at the conference website. Submitted papers must represent original work, not announced, published, or presented elsewhere. All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and those written in English will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to :
---Renewable Energy Resources: wind, solar, biomass, hydraulic, geothermal, waves, tidal, ocean and others
---Renewable Energy Conversion: electrical power converters, fuel cells, photovoltaic panels, heating and cooling.
---Renewable Energy Storage: electrical storage, hydraulic storage, thermal storage, hydrogen storage, electrochemical storage, control of energy storage using artificial intelligence.
---Transit Energy Management: traffic management, light duty vehicle management, fuel generation, public transportation, industry vehicles.
---Innovative Energy Technologies and Practices: hardware, software, material and physics related to renewable energy, renewable energy building? renewable energy for mines, switching mode power supply.
---Energy Management, Saving and Efficiency: optimal management process, control algorithms, smart grids, grid connectivity and control, DC micro-grids, green and zero consumption buildings, renewable energy source water pumping systems, Big Data in the renewable energy field, energy recovery, energy harvesting, commercial facility and residential energy management, optimization of industry energy use, ICT applications in green and renewable energy field, renewable energy in telecoms, sensors for renewable energy, renewable energy mobile
applications, standards.
---Socio-Economic, Policy issues and Legislation related to Renewable Energy: capacity building for the needs of developing countries, mechanisms for providing energy services in rural areas, policy opportunities and challenges for next-generation energy technologies, green
inclusive economy models, social impacts, governance.
---Implementation of Educational and Research Programs in the fields of renewable energy.
---Blockchain in the energy sector.
Important Deadlines
Full Paper Submission: December 8, 2019
Notification of Acceptance: January 5, 2020
Final Paper Submission: February 23, 2020
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All contributions must be submitted through the EDAS conference management system
La rédaction